TASK: Using the Guardian Data Blog, we were asked to work in groups to collect information and data about the London Riots that occurred back in 2011. As an individual in the group I looked at the statistic based side of the riots and then as a group we worked on trying to show 3 areas of how the Political, Public and Media view the young people involved in the London Riots
'a visual representation of information or data, e.g. as a chart of diagram'
I done my research based on the page I have linked above - as mentioned already, I decided to look at statistics based side on the events that occurred during the riots. Research showed that Burglary had the highest percentage within the events that happened.
[ This document shows the order in which events happened during the course of 3 days during the London Riots]

Developing our idea as a group we decided that using thread and pins we would create a diagram to show the connection between:


Here I have shown some initial sketches of ideas on how to create the visual diagram.

Here on the left you can see what we created as a group. The thread helped connect each area of discussion - we used statistics, quotes and articles that we researched as individuals and gathered them together to form the body of the base and connect each piece of information to show the connection between each side of the event.
To further develop what I researched, during this session - I decided to work around my area of research and create examples of different Info graphics based around the statistics I found.