Rip Remix

Brett Gaylor
'Culture always builds on past'
'Artists build on the work that came before them'
'Part of Evolution'
'copyright was originally made to encourage people to create'

Brett Gaylor
Brett Gaylor is a documentary film maker and new media director. Gaylor is the creator of - a video remix community which supports which supports the production of his feature documentary 'RIP: A Remix Manifesto'

Brett is also the producer of the '' - this is a web project dedicated to bridging the digital divide - allowing everyone to participate in online culture.


Lawrence Lessig is an American
academic and political activist.
Lessig' political opinions on
copyright law have led to legal
challenges where he has attempted
to put them into action without
legislative change.

Girl Talk
Gregg Michael Gillis who is better know by his stage name 'Girl Talk' is an American musician who speacializes in mashups and digital sampling. Gregg produces mashup-style remixes where he uses a dozen or more unauthorized samples from a range of songs to create a mashup. The New York times has called his releases 'a lawsuit waiting to happen' - this is a criticism that Gillis has attributed to mainstream media that wants to 'create controversy where it doesn't really exist' citing fair use as a legal backbone for sampling practices.

Copyright: The exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of years, to print, publish, perform, film or record literary, artistic, or musical material

Fair use: (in US copyright law) the doctrine that brief excerpts of copyright material may, under certain circumstances, be quoted verbatim for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching and research, without the need for permission from or payment to the copyright holder.

I decided to further develop my research and create my own remixes. I worked on doing something visual and decided to combine 2 iconic cartoon characters. Bugs Bunny and Tweety pie and Tom and Jerry. My final sketches are seen here.